Pazit Haim-Kislev
I am a postdoc at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Previously, I was a Ph.D. student at Tel-Aviv University working under the supervision of Shiri Artstein-Avidan and Yaron Ostrover.
My research interests are symplectic geometry, convex geometry, and their interactions. I am especially interested in symplectic capacities and questions related to symplectic embeddings.
Papers and Preprints
A Counterexample to Viterbo's Conjecture. Joint with Yaron Ostrover. Preprint arXiv:2405.16513 (2024).
Quantitative Results on Symplectic Barriers. Joint with Richard Hind and Yaron Ostrover. Preprint arXiv:2404.19396 (2024).
Pseudo-holomorphic triangles and the median quasi-state. Joint with Michael Khanevsky, Asaf Kislev and Daniel Rosen. Preprint arXiv:2403.12248 (2024).
On the Existence of Symplectic Barriers. Joint with Richard Hind and Yaron Ostrover. Selecta Mathematica (2024).
Approximation of Generating Function Barcode for Hamiltonian Diffeomorphisms. Joint with Ofir Karin. Foundations of Computational Mathematics (2023).
Remarks on symplectic capacities of p-products. Joint with Yaron Ostrover. International Journal of Mathematics (2023).
Isobarycentric Inequalities. Joint with Shoni Gilboa and Boaz Slomka. International Mathematics Research Notices (2022).
On the symplectic size of convex polytopes. Geometric and Functional Analysis (2019).
The EHZ capacity of cubes and simplices. MSc thesis (2019).
Some pervious talks available online
Symplectic capacities of p-products on the Symplectic Zoominar.
On the existence of symplectic barriers on the Workshop: Mathematical Billiards: At the Crossroads of Dynamics, Geometry, Analysis, and Mathematical Physics.
On the existence of symplectic barriers on the IAS/PU symplectic geometry seminar.
On the existence of symplectic barriers on the Geometria em Lisboa seminar.
This GitHub project includes my implementation for calculating the EHZ capacity of a polytope in Matlab using the formula from here.
Email: {First name}{Last name(with no "-")} at gmail dot com